jeudi 17 mars 2011

Germany again -- Heidenheim le 14/03/2011

20 minutes by bike
1 and half hour by Bus
1 hour waiting at the airport
2 hours by plane
40 minutes by foot
2 hours by train

From Linköping to Heidenheim, from Sweden to Germany, from english to german, from winter to summer, from work to holiday, from cold loneliness to warm company, from miss to plenitude, from distance to proximity...

Neighbourghood, Heidenheim

Did I say German were amazing?

3 commentaires:

  1. Hej Clément,
    nice to see finally some pictures :) Good to know that you are doing ok and it seems as if you are falling in love with germany more and more!!! Perfect :) Hope to see you soon...
    Take care!

  2. Maybe in Germany, now that you have a car ;) !!

  3. Ah on a aussi des mélanges d'oeufs blancs et orange en Suisse ! :D
