jeudi 24 mars 2011

Mon ami le Whisky -- Linköping le 24/03/2011

Maybe you remember one of the precedent post where you could also the a cheese picture:

For a french person, cheese is something really important in his meal. To show that we can just quote the General de Gaulle "What do you think it's like trying to run a country with 258 kinds of cheese?".

In Sweden it's very hard to find a "good" cheese so I have to try many of them.
The last one I tried wasn't that good but it had a really funny particularity. There was whisky in it!

jeudi 17 mars 2011

Germany again -- Heidenheim le 14/03/2011

20 minutes by bike
1 and half hour by Bus
1 hour waiting at the airport
2 hours by plane
40 minutes by foot
2 hours by train

From Linköping to Heidenheim, from Sweden to Germany, from english to german, from winter to summer, from work to holiday, from cold loneliness to warm company, from miss to plenitude, from distance to proximity...

Neighbourghood, Heidenheim

Did I say German were amazing?

Hockey Game -- Linköping le 10/03/2011


vendredi 11 mars 2011

Germany -- Varel le 26/02/2011

World without end

Fisch Frikadel

Un week-end en Allemagne du Nord; Une vue boueuse de la mer du Nord, et un bon sandwich, frikadel au poisson, avec une pils du coin.

mercredi 2 mars 2011

Handball Worldcup 2011 -- Jönköping le 22/01/2011

I attended 3 match of the Handball Worldcup 2011 in Jönköping, Sweden.
Spain - Norway
Germany - Iceland
France - Hungary


J'ai pu assister à 3 match de la coupe du monde de Handball 2011.
Un petit aperçu de l'ambiance. (le groupe de jeunes blondes qui chantent "Allez la France" sont bien évidemment suédoises :) )